Thursday, September 8, 2016

Summer Health Issues Turn to Fall Health Issues

It seems my health is back in the crapper.

I realized over the weekend that I was having issues with my stamina. I climbed the stairs and was out of breath. I stand up and get dizzy...really dizzy.

I had a scheduled appointment with my regular Doc, Dr. O'Connor on Tuesday. I told him my problems and he thought I was in A-Fib. That's Atrial Fibrillation to you non medic types. 

It means that the smaller, upper chamber of my heart is quivering and as such, my heart is not pumping efficiently, towit and therefore unto, my lack of stamina.

Dr O'Connor called my Cardiologist and they got me in to see one of the Doc's there. I saw Dr. Orme, who I had not met before.

He said he suspects Dr. Byazrova will want to do a Cardioversion (Shock Treatment) on me to break me out of the A-Fib.
In order to do that, he put me on some new drugs and stopped one I was on. The fear now is that a blood clot has developed and if they try to shock me right now, it could break free and Stroke me out.

So the new drugs are blood thinners. Now I'm in wait mode to see what the Doctors want to do next.

I have posted the note above mostly because I want to have an easy spot to refer to it if I need to.

So the Fall is starting out just like the Summer.

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