Thursday, October 13, 2016

Gout and Traffic

I successfully abated the gout attack last week but feel it is trying to remount an assault on me today. So I took an pill. I forgot to bring more with me to work, so that one is going to have to do the job.

I had a wonderfully smooth drive to work and did not have to deal with idiots whom slow down on the 70 MPH freeway a quarter mile before they hit the exit. It is a major pet peeve of mine. The road is straight. The exit is straight and a half mile long. And yet, half the time I approach this exit, I'm stuck behind cars going 60.

My other peeve which I'm sure I have chronicled here before involves the other end of my commute...where I get ON the freeway. 

Why must peoples feel so casual and relaxed when entering an freeway as to not get their asses up to speed in a timely manner. In other words, if the speed limit is 60, don't ramble on up the ramp and onto the freeway at 40 and then slowly accelerate to 60 over the next mile.

There is my traffic rant for today.

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