Friday, October 9, 2020

A Friday in October

 I worked last Sunday. I drove up to Sandpoint with Mick, another Screen Tek employee, and we did a repair job on a damaged Litehouse trailer. In addition, we installed some decals at the offices of a construction company. With the drive up, the work and the drive back, we clocked in six hours.

So I am taking a day off today. It's been a great day.

I started by sleeping in until 7:30. I got up and put the sheets in the washer. I made myself a hearty breakfast of artery clogging Biscuits and Gravy.

It was delicious. I also had a nice cup of decaf coffee with a shot of Bailey's in my favorite coffee cup. I had to go to Iowa to get a cup that says "I Love Washington".

I consulted with my neighbor Lou about the door issue I'm having in the TV Room. He's going to help my fix my faux pas, which will be chronicled in the other blog.

It just so happens that Lou picked today to close up the pool. So I went over for a final swim. The temperature was 65 degrees. That's cold but not intolerable.

With that, I jumped in the shower and prepped for the day.

My next task was to try and get some organization with our filing cabinet. I am not good at filing bills and stuff in a timely manner and it was well past time.

I threw away a garbage bag full of old statements and bills. I still have some work to do up there but I am satisfied with my progress so far.

I made a trip to the store for a couple of things and then returned here to help Lou cover the pool. There is no mo swimmin'!

I'm waiting for the sheets to finish drying and then it should be time for Friday afternoon cocktails.

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