Thursday, September 5, 2024

How to Breathe Update

I think I'm really starting to lose it. If we have to pick a space in time for losing it, let's say it's right here.

I was positive that I wrote a post the other day that updated stuff with me and my health...or lack there of. But it is not here and I don't know where else I would have written it.

I guess it doesn't matter. I'm here now and I'm damn sure aware that this is me writing this. Save!

Last Friday I went in the Sacred Heart for a scheduled Right Heart Cath. It's a procedure where they insert a catheter in my neck, and stroll around down to the heart where they can read pressure and get some information.

Apparently, they were not happy with the information and sent me to a hospital room. 

They decided to up the amount of milrinone I'm getting and do a follow up pulmonary function test. Since it was a holiday weekend (Labor Day) and nobody was going to be around to run the tests, they decided to let me go home and figure everything out in an outpatient setting. 

So I spent Friday night in Room 632 and got out Saturday afternoon.

Since then, it feels like a switch has been thrown to screw up my breathing. I'm am using my O2 generator a lot more when I walk and I regularly dip below 90% in my oxygen levels.

Whether my deteriorating heart is causing lung issues or my lungs are just turning to crap on their own has yet to be determined.

But that's where we are for now.

In Bug Bite news, I'm happy to say that my wrist has healed up nicely since I last wrote about it and I am now longer wrapping it. Here is a picture to affirm my statement of healing.

I've been hitting it with moisturizing cream because it is kind hard and crusty. I believe it is helping but I'm keeping an eye on it.

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