At about 6:22 this morning, just after passing the Northside entrance to Riverfront Park, the odometer on my bicycle hit 100. I have attained my goal for the month and without really trying. Next month I shall set the goal for 150 miles. I think that deserves a smoke!
It was another chilly morning but I wore my gloves so my comfort level was tolerable for the 10 minute ride. The morning air really wakes you up.
I counted 23 riders this morning. Nearly every seat had someone in it. Soon, we'll have to share our seats. It may come to a point where we have to talk to each other.
I had a little conversation with Jasper. He was talking about forest fires in Red Lodge, Montana where he was born. Then, as the bus rolled up, he said, "Here comes our Cadillac."
I purchased my August Bus Pass so I'll be doing this for another month. It is therefore time to quickly look back at July for an accounting of the vital statistics.
Days Riding the Bus: 18
Cost per Ride: $ 0.91.6
Money Spent on the Bus: $ 33.00
Money Spent on Gas: $ 77.00
Estimated Gas $ Saved: $163.00
Money Spent on the Bike: $158.20
Items Lost on Bus: 2 Pair Sunglasses
Estimated Value: $ 15.00
Miles Rode: 105.7
Outcome: Everything considered, I figure I made about $726.51 this month by riding the bus. Hey, it's my's my Math!
Thursday, July 31, 2008
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
An appointment with my Doctor kept me off the bus today so I have nothing to report. One would think that I just wouldn't make an entry, but one would be wrong.
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Accurate Info
This morning, I rolled up to the bus stop and had the bus waiting for me. That's the closest I've come to missing the bus since I started riding.
I counted 15 riders this morning. That's not as many as I thought were riding when I mentioned it yesterday, but the number is up since I started riding the bus earlier this month.
I wore a sweatshirt this morning and was glad I did. It definitely girded me against the bracing morning air. My backpack is filling up with necessary accoutrement's required for me to ride in more inclement conditions. I really need to get a rack, or perhaps a lovely little basket on the front. The kind that would get you beat up if it appeared on your bike when you were a kid.
Damn! I've just realized that I have lost another pair of sunglasses on the bus. I put them on the seat and then forget them when I leave. I just bought those glasses last weekend. There's ten dollars down the bus rat hole.
I counted 15 riders this morning. That's not as many as I thought were riding when I mentioned it yesterday, but the number is up since I started riding the bus earlier this month.
I wore a sweatshirt this morning and was glad I did. It definitely girded me against the bracing morning air. My backpack is filling up with necessary accoutrement's required for me to ride in more inclement conditions. I really need to get a rack, or perhaps a lovely little basket on the front. The kind that would get you beat up if it appeared on your bike when you were a kid.
Damn! I've just realized that I have lost another pair of sunglasses on the bus. I put them on the seat and then forget them when I leave. I just bought those glasses last weekend. There's ten dollars down the bus rat hole.
Monday, July 28, 2008
End of the Month
It's been four days since I rode my bike. I took Friday off and went to Seattle with my lovely wife to celebrate her birthday.
While there, I noticed that many of the bikes racks on the Seattle buses can hold three bikes. They need to be switching to those here in Spokaloo. They probably need to be looking for an arrangement that can accommodate four bikes. I have no idea if such a thing exists but I am willing to bet someone is working on the problem. I just don't see the need for bike space loosening up.
The ride this morning was uneventful and passed quickly. Good thing too, cuz it's chilly in the morning. I'll soon be riding with a jacket.
At the start of the month, the Spokane River was running unusually high and fast for this time of year...thanks to our wet Spring. Today, the river was barely at a trickle.
I was the only bike person on the bus this morning but I noticed that the number of people riding the bus is going up. I'll bet the bus had 25-30 people on it this morning. That is up substantially from earlier this month.
I am now beginning to tally up my various monthly totals to see how I have done at saving money and being a F.O.T.E. (Friend of the Earth) I'll have all that information on Thursday for the end of month round-up.
One of the goals I would like to set for next month is to build up some mileage on the bike. I am very close to 100 miles for the month and I think I can reach that if I do some extra riding in the next few days. If so, I'll set next months goal at 150 miles.
I know I'll be driving on Wednesday because I have a doctors appointment that day. Beyond that, I should be on the bus and racking up the miles.
While there, I noticed that many of the bikes racks on the Seattle buses can hold three bikes. They need to be switching to those here in Spokaloo. They probably need to be looking for an arrangement that can accommodate four bikes. I have no idea if such a thing exists but I am willing to bet someone is working on the problem. I just don't see the need for bike space loosening up.
The ride this morning was uneventful and passed quickly. Good thing too, cuz it's chilly in the morning. I'll soon be riding with a jacket.
At the start of the month, the Spokane River was running unusually high and fast for this time of year...thanks to our wet Spring. Today, the river was barely at a trickle.
I was the only bike person on the bus this morning but I noticed that the number of people riding the bus is going up. I'll bet the bus had 25-30 people on it this morning. That is up substantially from earlier this month.
I am now beginning to tally up my various monthly totals to see how I have done at saving money and being a F.O.T.E. (Friend of the Earth) I'll have all that information on Thursday for the end of month round-up.
One of the goals I would like to set for next month is to build up some mileage on the bike. I am very close to 100 miles for the month and I think I can reach that if I do some extra riding in the next few days. If so, I'll set next months goal at 150 miles.
I know I'll be driving on Wednesday because I have a doctors appointment that day. Beyond that, I should be on the bus and racking up the miles.
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Driving Day
The various errands that I must perform in order to properly conduct my life have built up again and I had to drive today. When one does not drive for a while, one notices the luxury and great privilege of driving ones own vehicle. It's quite liberating. But it also very costly. Today, gas is selling for $4.16 a gallon.
I have not yet ridden the bus for the entire week. One week had a holiday in it so I might have made five days then. Something has always come up that compelled me to drive. That cuts into the discounts I was expecting by buying the monthly bus pass.
I have not yet ridden the bus for the entire week. One week had a holiday in it so I might have made five days then. Something has always come up that compelled me to drive. That cuts into the discounts I was expecting by buying the monthly bus pass.
Wednesday, July 23, 2008
Suckfest Ride Home Averted
I now have a large plastic bag in my backpack for the next occassion when it rains.
It was pouring rain when I left to catch the bus. I walked the bike across the street and tried to stay dry by standing under a tree. It wasn't really helping. The bus came along in no time. But as it approached, I saw the rack was full. The next bus was about ten minutes away. I ran back to work and stood at the door of our garage watching for the bus. When I saw it, I raced across the street and thank the Lord, the rack was empty.
I was not looking forward to the ride once I got downtown. I was considering taking one of the northbound buses when I noticed that the sky over downtown was clearing.
When I got off the bus, it appeared as if the rain had totally missed downtown. I happily peddled home and arrived about 15 minutes later than ususal.
There is a new bike rider on the bus today and as such, Jasper gave up his space to allow her on. I noticed a bike rider at the Valley Mall who wanted on the bus. So the competition for rack space is increasing.
It was pouring rain when I left to catch the bus. I walked the bike across the street and tried to stay dry by standing under a tree. It wasn't really helping. The bus came along in no time. But as it approached, I saw the rack was full. The next bus was about ten minutes away. I ran back to work and stood at the door of our garage watching for the bus. When I saw it, I raced across the street and thank the Lord, the rack was empty.
I was not looking forward to the ride once I got downtown. I was considering taking one of the northbound buses when I noticed that the sky over downtown was clearing.
When I got off the bus, it appeared as if the rain had totally missed downtown. I happily peddled home and arrived about 15 minutes later than ususal.
There is a new bike rider on the bus today and as such, Jasper gave up his space to allow her on. I noticed a bike rider at the Valley Mall who wanted on the bus. So the competition for rack space is increasing.
Tuesday, July 22, 2008
It's Getting Tight
So far, everything has worked out very well with the Bike Racks on the buses and their availability. I just know that is not going to last. I organized my schedule to allow for flexibility if the need arises.
This morning was another day where I rolled out of bed and thought, "I should just drive today." But I fought that urge off and I was glad I did. The morning ride is very enjoyable. I especially like crossing the river each day and seeing how much water is flowing. It's nice to go through the park in the early morning and still see it teaming with people going about their business. "Teaming" probably isn't the right word.
One thing I didn't take into account was that it might rain today. The weather has been great all month. It hasn't even threatened to rain. It was a very nice morning just like every other morning since I started riding to work. I went out at lunch and the prospect of rain looked plausable. Right now, it looks like a 100% stone cold lock...cuz it's pouring.
This morning was another day where I rolled out of bed and thought, "I should just drive today." But I fought that urge off and I was glad I did. The morning ride is very enjoyable. I especially like crossing the river each day and seeing how much water is flowing. It's nice to go through the park in the early morning and still see it teaming with people going about their business. "Teaming" probably isn't the right word.
One thing I didn't take into account was that it might rain today. The weather has been great all month. It hasn't even threatened to rain. It was a very nice morning just like every other morning since I started riding to work. I went out at lunch and the prospect of rain looked plausable. Right now, it looks like a 100% stone cold lock...cuz it's pouring.
Monday, July 21, 2008
Requiem for a Mirror
I found my mirror!
Let's back up. I think I made mention of the loosing of my mirror. It probably was an off-hand statement made in passing in one of my entries.
On Friday, I went out to catch the bus across the street from work. As I was standing at the bus stop, I happened to look down at the curb...and there it was, my dearly departed mirror. Clearly, it is usable no mo.
And so I offer up a little good-bye to my former mirror.
Let's back up. I think I made mention of the loosing of my mirror. It probably was an off-hand statement made in passing in one of my entries.
On Friday, I went out to catch the bus across the street from work. As I was standing at the bus stop, I happened to look down at the curb...and there it was, my dearly departed mirror. Clearly, it is usable no mo.

I have since purchased a new one. I like the way it attaches, with a Velcro strap around the handle. It is easily removable as well as easily put on-able.
I do not care for the fact that it is one of those mirrors where objects in mirror are closer than they appear. (I have a similar mirror at home where objects in mirror are older than they appear) I can't see a car coming until it's right behind me. I need a bit better warning than that. So I will keep searching.
Friday, July 18, 2008
Chilly Morning
I really felt the wind whipping through me this morning as I started off on my trek downtown. I didn't warm up as much as I got used to it.
On the bus ride out to work this morning, I ran into Larry. He got on the bus at the Mirabeau Park & Ride. He is a semi-regular customer at Scotty's Bar & Grill, where I tend bar on Saturdays. He has a P.O. Box out at the Liberty Lake Post Office. I think he used to live out at Liberty Lake. That's the only reason I can think that he would maintain a P.O. Box so far from where he lives.
Anyway, we chatted during the ride out, talking about my riding the bike and his getting mail and walking around. Nothing of any consequence.
I am continually noticing an increase in my stamina as I ride, especially on hills. I went on a little ride last night and climbed a considerable hill. As I stopped and rested about half way up, I watched as this Hippie guy rode right on past me...flip-flops, no helmet, just cruisin' up da hill.
I'm going to try that hill again tonight and try to do better.
On the bus ride out to work this morning, I ran into Larry. He got on the bus at the Mirabeau Park & Ride. He is a semi-regular customer at Scotty's Bar & Grill, where I tend bar on Saturdays. He has a P.O. Box out at the Liberty Lake Post Office. I think he used to live out at Liberty Lake. That's the only reason I can think that he would maintain a P.O. Box so far from where he lives.
Anyway, we chatted during the ride out, talking about my riding the bike and his getting mail and walking around. Nothing of any consequence.
I am continually noticing an increase in my stamina as I ride, especially on hills. I went on a little ride last night and climbed a considerable hill. As I stopped and rested about half way up, I watched as this Hippie guy rode right on past me...flip-flops, no helmet, just cruisin' up da hill.
I'm going to try that hill again tonight and try to do better.
Thursday, July 17, 2008
Without Even Trying
I rode 6 miles yesterday. On a normal day of just riding to and from downtown, I will go about four miles. I took a little ride at lunch time yesterday and added the extra two. It doesn't take much to pile up the mileage.
While waiting for the bus this morning, I was making small-talk with Jasper. As the bus pulled up, he said, "Here comes our Cadillac." With equally quick wit I responded, "Yup!"
That's the kind of jocularity we toss around every morning.
While waiting for the bus this morning, I was making small-talk with Jasper. As the bus pulled up, he said, "Here comes our Cadillac." With equally quick wit I responded, "Yup!"
That's the kind of jocularity we toss around every morning.
Wednesday, July 16, 2008
Speed Racer
I had a haircut appointment on the other side of town last night so I hitched a ride with a co-worker who lives nearby. I knew my ride home would be easy because it was downhill until I got downtown to pick up my regular route home.
The first part of my ride was great. I went through Manito Park. Even the streets leading up to the park are nice. They are wide tree covered boulevards. It was pastoral, peaceful and entirely enjoyable...and downhill, even if ever so slightly.
Heading into downtown, the route became very downhill. I took a fairly busy street that goes right through the heart of downtown. At one point, my speedometer read 37 mph. That is fast on a bicycle. I was peddling for all I'm worth to keep the speed up. I didn't want to impede traffic. I came upon another guy on a bike in my lane and we rode through downtown together. I never felt endangered or uncomfortable around all the other cars.
Once I was on my normal route home, I made a slight detour. Instead of traveling up Wall Street which is a residential street with low to no traffic, I went up Howard Street, which is one block to the east. It's a four lane arterial that isn't terribly busy and has traffic lights at the busier intersections. I was not able to maintain my speed to keep in sync with the lights. I had to wait for the light at the busy cross street. I kind felt obligated to follow the law whereas I would sail through an uncontrolled intersection...providing it was clear of course. I probably won't go that way again. My total mileage for the day was Eight point Four miles and it took me about 25 minutes to ride the six miles across town.
The first part of my ride was great. I went through Manito Park. Even the streets leading up to the park are nice. They are wide tree covered boulevards. It was pastoral, peaceful and entirely enjoyable...and downhill, even if ever so slightly.

Once I was on my normal route home, I made a slight detour. Instead of traveling up Wall Street which is a residential street with low to no traffic, I went up Howard Street, which is one block to the east. It's a four lane arterial that isn't terribly busy and has traffic lights at the busier intersections. I was not able to maintain my speed to keep in sync with the lights. I had to wait for the light at the busy cross street. I kind felt obligated to follow the law whereas I would sail through an uncontrolled intersection...providing it was clear of course. I probably won't go that way again. My total mileage for the day was Eight point Four miles and it took me about 25 minutes to ride the six miles across town.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Back in the Saddle Again Again
Wow! You miss a few days on the bike and your body lets you know it. It was a bit of a tough ride on my hill this morning.
I got down to the Plaza and I saw "the Polynesian waiting for the bus. I eyed him a little more extensively and came to realize that my caricature is not even close. For starters, I should have named him "the Native American".
I got down to the Plaza and I saw "the Polynesian waiting for the bus. I eyed him a little more extensively and came to realize that my caricature is not even close. For starters, I should have named him "the Native American".
Monday, July 14, 2008
Caricatures on the Bus
Due to many weekend considerations and obligations, I lost another day of riding the bus today. I had items to return to the Rental Store first thing this morning and that made it necessary to drive the car.
Now that I am developing into the routine of mostly daily bus travel, I am starting to recognize other fellow commuters who ride my bus. It gives me the opportunity to practice my caricaturing abilities...which are minimal.
I have named this guy Jasper. No particular reason. He just seems like a Jasper. He works out at the Oxford Suites Hotel at Sullivan. He sometimes rides his bike.
This guy I call "the Polynesian". He looks Hawaiian. I think he works across the street from my work place. I don't have any more information on him because I have not spoken with him. But, he is an interesting enough character that I was able to come up with a drawing of him.
It's not always easy to create a good caricature. If they have a certain glint in their eyes or a particular way of carrying themselves, it makes it very difficult for me to capture that. I know people who are good at it, but I'm not one of them.
Finally, my last drawing is Tatt, named for his many and extensive tattoos. He always wears black and he often wears a hood pulled down over his head and face. This is another guy with which I have had no interaction. But, when I see an interesting face and I'm able to recall it later, I record it. I need to do this more often. These three are the only ones that have struck me enough for me to try and draw them.

Now that I am developing into the routine of mostly daily bus travel, I am starting to recognize other fellow commuters who ride my bus. It gives me the opportunity to practice my caricaturing abilities...which are minimal.

I have named this guy Jasper. No particular reason. He just seems like a Jasper. He works out at the Oxford Suites Hotel at Sullivan. He sometimes rides his bike.
This guy I call "the Polynesian". He looks Hawaiian. I think he works across the street from my work place. I don't have any more information on him because I have not spoken with him. But, he is an interesting enough character that I was able to come up with a drawing of him.
It's not always easy to create a good caricature. If they have a certain glint in their eyes or a particular way of carrying themselves, it makes it very difficult for me to capture that. I know people who are good at it, but I'm not one of them.

Finally, my last drawing is Tatt, named for his many and extensive tattoos. He always wears black and he often wears a hood pulled down over his head and face. This is another guy with which I have had no interaction. But, when I see an interesting face and I'm able to recall it later, I record it. I need to do this more often. These three are the only ones that have struck me enough for me to try and draw them.

Friday, July 11, 2008
Back in the Saddle
After a day in the drivers seat, I'm back in the saddle again. I made it back just in time for a very chilly morning. I was not prepared for that as my hands got a little frosty. It got me thinking about all the other bicycling accessories I still need to get. Gloves come immediately to mind. (Is it "Gloves come" or Gloves comes"? Or Glove comes?!)
Additionally, I am going to need fenders if I want to continue riding into the vicinage of inclement weather.
There was an impressive wild fire in the Valley last night and I got a good look at the area this morning as the bus motored down the freeway. It was still burning as of this morning. I don't know the status of the fire control for now but I bet it will be smoldering for days to come.
Additionally, I am going to need fenders if I want to continue riding into the vicinage of inclement weather.
There was an impressive wild fire in the Valley last night and I got a good look at the area this morning as the bus motored down the freeway. It was still burning as of this morning. I don't know the status of the fire control for now but I bet it will be smoldering for days to come.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Driving Day
I am amazed at how odd it feels to drive to work...or just to drive at all. Since I have been riding the bike/bus, I will go several days without getting in my car.
Wednesday, July 9, 2008
Another day on Two Wheels
Some mornings seem an awful lot harder to get going than others. I dragged myself out of bed at the last moment and puttered around the house getting ready to leave. I left the house with about 15 minutes to spare before the bus arrived.
I wanted to make it on time so I really laid into the peddles right from the start of my ride. Right away I felt like my body wanted to be back in bed and was having none of this peddling crap. I made it to the Bus Plaza with several minutes to spare but I needed the rest. Then, I left my water bottle on the bus.
Nine days into my Biking Experience and tomorrow I will drive. I need to drive as I have a few errands piling up on me. I need to order a storm window for the bathroom, stop by a Frame Shop and buy some new shirts. I'll fit all that in plus take my bike in for servicing. It'll be a loooong lunch.
I wanted to make it on time so I really laid into the peddles right from the start of my ride. Right away I felt like my body wanted to be back in bed and was having none of this peddling crap. I made it to the Bus Plaza with several minutes to spare but I needed the rest. Then, I left my water bottle on the bus.
Nine days into my Biking Experience and tomorrow I will drive. I need to drive as I have a few errands piling up on me. I need to order a storm window for the bathroom, stop by a Frame Shop and buy some new shirts. I'll fit all that in plus take my bike in for servicing. It'll be a loooong lunch.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Break Even Day
Today is the day that I would have spent the equivalent in gas as I have on my bus pass. After today, I begin to MAKE money. Okay...SAVE money.
Now that I have been doing this for a week, I'm beginning to break down my morning ride into little segments.
The first half mile is level with just a slight downhill incline. I try to peddle at a pretty good pace. At three quarters of a mile I hit my first and only hill heading downtown. The steep part is only a block long so I try to power through that as best I can. I notice that I'm getting faster.
After the hill, it all levels out again and I go through a neighborhood I call Blight Street. Old beat up houses. Garbage and crap on porches and in yards. Nobody cares there.
Blight Street brings me right out to the Arena. There is a good downhill grade that leads right to the park. I try to see how much speed I can gather and then how far into the park I can coast. I'll get a distance tomorrow when I remember. I think it's a good quarter mile into the park before I run out of steam at the YMCA.
From there, it's a wonderful ride through beautiful Riverfront Park. In the morning, it's nice and cool and quiet and empty. It's a very easy ride to the Bus Plaza where I catch my ride to work. The distance is 2 miles.
When I get off the bus at Liberty Lake, I have read the paper and am refreshed and ready to face the day. I cycle another half mile to the office and I have commuted.
Now that I have been doing this for a week, I'm beginning to break down my morning ride into little segments.
The first half mile is level with just a slight downhill incline. I try to peddle at a pretty good pace. At three quarters of a mile I hit my first and only hill heading downtown. The steep part is only a block long so I try to power through that as best I can. I notice that I'm getting faster.
After the hill, it all levels out again and I go through a neighborhood I call Blight Street. Old beat up houses. Garbage and crap on porches and in yards. Nobody cares there.
Blight Street brings me right out to the Arena. There is a good downhill grade that leads right to the park. I try to see how much speed I can gather and then how far into the park I can coast. I'll get a distance tomorrow when I remember. I think it's a good quarter mile into the park before I run out of steam at the YMCA.
From there, it's a wonderful ride through beautiful Riverfront Park. In the morning, it's nice and cool and quiet and empty. It's a very easy ride to the Bus Plaza where I catch my ride to work. The distance is 2 miles.
When I get off the bus at Liberty Lake, I have read the paper and am refreshed and ready to face the day. I cycle another half mile to the office and I have commuted.
Monday, July 7, 2008
Three Day Weekend Hangover
It was a tough ride this morning. My legs really feel drained. I have one hill to go up during my ride downtown. It is not big and no more than a block long. But I really had a difficult time getting up it this morning. My legs were aching as I peddled along in my highest gear. I felt the ssame way when I got off the bus for my short ride to the office.
What a wimp!
What a wimp!
Thursday, July 3, 2008
Pre-Independance Day
I felt just a tingle of sprinkle as I rode to the bus this morning. I thought it might have been dew or sap falling from a tree until I felt it downtown waiting for the bus.
I got a bit of a late start this morning so I was really rushing to get downtown. But there was nothing to worry about. I still made it with 5 minutes to spare. That means I can stay in bed until six if I want. Or it gives me more time in the morning to do some things around the house. For example, the bird feeder (also known as the cat feeder) went empty this morning. The birds are gonna be pissed. The cats are going to be livid.
I left work last night at 4:15 rather than 4:30. That 15 minutes makes a huge difference in my commute home. First, the bus is empty so there is no competition for space on the bike rack. Secondly, I got home about 40 minutes sooner. I am hoping my boss will be understanding and allow me to keep leaving at 4:15.
Good Luck with that!
I got a bit of a late start this morning so I was really rushing to get downtown. But there was nothing to worry about. I still made it with 5 minutes to spare. That means I can stay in bed until six if I want. Or it gives me more time in the morning to do some things around the house. For example, the bird feeder (also known as the cat feeder) went empty this morning. The birds are gonna be pissed. The cats are going to be livid.
I left work last night at 4:15 rather than 4:30. That 15 minutes makes a huge difference in my commute home. First, the bus is empty so there is no competition for space on the bike rack. Secondly, I got home about 40 minutes sooner. I am hoping my boss will be understanding and allow me to keep leaving at 4:15.
Good Luck with that!
Wednesday, July 2, 2008
Rack Competition
I had an uneventful trip home last night but I can see that there is going to soon be an issue of too many bikes and not enough racks on the buses. Thankfully, they run two different routes out to Liberty Lake at about the same time. The first bus usually has a full rack but there is room on the second.
I have been trying to remember to take a bottle of water with me but I tend to forget it. I had one ready to go last night and I forgot it. I had one ready to go this morning and I forgot it. I seem to remember it just as soon as I want some water.
It is Day Three of my Month of Riding. By Day Six, I will begin saving money. It takes 5 1/2 days of riding the bus to pay for the Monthly Pass. There will be a big celebration on Tuesday.
I suppose I should make some mention to the local bike shop. The guy that owns it looks like Lance Armstrong. I took my bike back there yesterday and told him that the service he had performed on the bike did not fix the problem. I frankly do not believe that he did anything to it and neither does my Bike Consultant, Don.
I left it with him and he was going to again do a thorough cleaning or replace the bracket if needed. When I returned after work, he had not gotten to it yet.
So, I will try to take it in again today and see if he can "git r'dun" today.
I have been trying to remember to take a bottle of water with me but I tend to forget it. I had one ready to go last night and I forgot it. I had one ready to go this morning and I forgot it. I seem to remember it just as soon as I want some water.
It is Day Three of my Month of Riding. By Day Six, I will begin saving money. It takes 5 1/2 days of riding the bus to pay for the Monthly Pass. There will be a big celebration on Tuesday.
I suppose I should make some mention to the local bike shop. The guy that owns it looks like Lance Armstrong. I took my bike back there yesterday and told him that the service he had performed on the bike did not fix the problem. I frankly do not believe that he did anything to it and neither does my Bike Consultant, Don.
I left it with him and he was going to again do a thorough cleaning or replace the bracket if needed. When I returned after work, he had not gotten to it yet.
So, I will try to take it in again today and see if he can "git r'dun" today.
Tuesday, July 1, 2008
The F.U.B.A.R. Ride Home*
The temperature was well into the 90's yesterday. That makes for a lovely ride to work but a very hot ride home. I didn't make it any easier on myself.
Last Friday, I took my bike over to the local bike shop to have a critical portion of the bike repaired. I needed a new lower bracket which is the bearing assembly that the peddles turn around.
I drove to work on Friday with the bike in back. I dropped the bike off and told the guy I would be back at 4:30.
Upon returning at 4:35, the guy had me stand around for a few minutes before telling me it wasn't ready. I said I had a quick errand and would it be done in half an hour. He said yes and off I went.
I returned and the bike was sitting out on the floor. I paid the $15.00 and wheeled it out to the car.
When I rode it to work yesterday, it did not feel like it was any better. Don, who is my Bicycle Consultant at work, said it had not been replaced. The bike store was of course, closed on Monday.
I left work at 4:30 yesterday when my office thermometer had to be hitting 98 degrees. I had every intention of waiting the 15 minutes at the stop for the bus, but decided at the last minute to try and ride the six or so miles to the bus's next stop. I'm riding the bike in part for exercise and here was a perfect (if not sweltering) opportunity.
It was a very nice ride, paralleling the Spokane River the whole way. When I reached Sullivan Road, which was close to my goal, it was also very close to the time the bus would be getting there.
I was riding down Indiana keeping an eye on my rear view mirror for the bus. It wasn't long before I saw the bus coming up on me and I was still a good mile from the Park and Ride spot where the bus would pick me up.
I stepped up my peddling and as the bus came along side me I waved at the driver and he pointed to the next stop up ahead.
I had made it! I was sweaty and out of breath, but I made it.
I sat back in the coolness of the air conditioned bus and congratulated myself as the bus turned onto a street it was not supposed to turn on.
It went up the the YMCA and turned around and headed back towards the Park and Ride. It began to dawn on me that I should have checked the number on the bus. Was this Bus Number Se7enty-Four? There was nothing in the cabin of the bus to indicate what the route was. I noticed the schedules and didn't see one for Se7enty-Four.
As we pulled out of the Park and Ride, I saw Bus Number Se7enty-Four pulling in. I pulled the stop cord, got a transfer and got off.
Bus Number Se7enty-Four was right behind the bus I got off. As I stood there with my bike, proudly pleased with myself for having figured out the system, I noticed that the bike rack was full. The driver slowed and kind of shrugged at me.
One of the things I have been concerned about riding the bus is the availability of open bike racks. I figured I would run into the problem. I just didn't expect it on my first day. I'm sure that as the price of gas goes up, it is going to become more of an issue.
The bus passed on by and I was struggling with the despair of the system failing me. Suddenly, the bus stopped and a guy hopped off. He was one stop short of his goal but since he had a bike, it didn't matter. He jumped off and gave his space to me.
Finally, as the bus pulled onto the Freeway, I was able to congratulate myself in the air conditioned coolness of Bus Number Se7enty-Four.
*that turned out okay
Last Friday, I took my bike over to the local bike shop to have a critical portion of the bike repaired. I needed a new lower bracket which is the bearing assembly that the peddles turn around.
I drove to work on Friday with the bike in back. I dropped the bike off and told the guy I would be back at 4:30.
Upon returning at 4:35, the guy had me stand around for a few minutes before telling me it wasn't ready. I said I had a quick errand and would it be done in half an hour. He said yes and off I went.
I returned and the bike was sitting out on the floor. I paid the $15.00 and wheeled it out to the car.
When I rode it to work yesterday, it did not feel like it was any better. Don, who is my Bicycle Consultant at work, said it had not been replaced. The bike store was of course, closed on Monday.
I left work at 4:30 yesterday when my office thermometer had to be hitting 98 degrees. I had every intention of waiting the 15 minutes at the stop for the bus, but decided at the last minute to try and ride the six or so miles to the bus's next stop. I'm riding the bike in part for exercise and here was a perfect (if not sweltering) opportunity.
It was a very nice ride, paralleling the Spokane River the whole way. When I reached Sullivan Road, which was close to my goal, it was also very close to the time the bus would be getting there.
I was riding down Indiana keeping an eye on my rear view mirror for the bus. It wasn't long before I saw the bus coming up on me and I was still a good mile from the Park and Ride spot where the bus would pick me up.
I stepped up my peddling and as the bus came along side me I waved at the driver and he pointed to the next stop up ahead.
I had made it! I was sweaty and out of breath, but I made it.
I sat back in the coolness of the air conditioned bus and congratulated myself as the bus turned onto a street it was not supposed to turn on.
It went up the the YMCA and turned around and headed back towards the Park and Ride. It began to dawn on me that I should have checked the number on the bus. Was this Bus Number Se7enty-Four? There was nothing in the cabin of the bus to indicate what the route was. I noticed the schedules and didn't see one for Se7enty-Four.
As we pulled out of the Park and Ride, I saw Bus Number Se7enty-Four pulling in. I pulled the stop cord, got a transfer and got off.
Bus Number Se7enty-Four was right behind the bus I got off. As I stood there with my bike, proudly pleased with myself for having figured out the system, I noticed that the bike rack was full. The driver slowed and kind of shrugged at me.
One of the things I have been concerned about riding the bus is the availability of open bike racks. I figured I would run into the problem. I just didn't expect it on my first day. I'm sure that as the price of gas goes up, it is going to become more of an issue.
The bus passed on by and I was struggling with the despair of the system failing me. Suddenly, the bus stopped and a guy hopped off. He was one stop short of his goal but since he had a bike, it didn't matter. He jumped off and gave his space to me.
Finally, as the bus pulled onto the Freeway, I was able to congratulate myself in the air conditioned coolness of Bus Number Se7enty-Four.
*that turned out okay
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