Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Break Even Day

Today is the day that I would have spent the equivalent in gas as I have on my bus pass. After today, I begin to MAKE money. Okay...SAVE money.

Now that I have been doing this for a week, I'm beginning to break down my morning ride into little segments.

The first half mile is level with just a slight downhill incline. I try to peddle at a pretty good pace. At three quarters of a mile I hit my first and only hill heading downtown. The steep part is only a block long so I try to power through that as best I can. I notice that I'm getting faster.

After the hill, it all levels out again and I go through a neighborhood I call Blight Street. Old beat up houses. Garbage and crap on porches and in yards. Nobody cares there.

Blight Street brings me right out to the Arena. There is a good downhill grade that leads right to the park. I try to see how much speed I can gather and then how far into the park I can coast. I'll get a distance tomorrow when I remember. I think it's a good quarter mile into the park before I run out of steam at the YMCA.

From there, it's a wonderful ride through beautiful Riverfront Park. In the morning, it's nice and cool and quiet and empty. It's a very easy ride to the Bus Plaza where I catch my ride to work. The distance is 2 miles.

When I get off the bus at Liberty Lake, I have read the paper and am refreshed and ready to face the day. I cycle another half mile to the office and I have commuted.

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