Monday, July 21, 2008

Requiem for a Mirror

I found my mirror!

Let's back up. I think I made mention of the loosing of my mirror. It probably was an off-hand statement made in passing in one of my entries.

On Friday, I went out to catch the bus across the street from work. As I was standing at the bus stop, I happened to look down at the curb...and there it was, my dearly departed mirror. Clearly, it is usable no mo.And so I offer up a little good-bye to my former mirror.

I have since purchased a new one. I like the way it attaches, with a Velcro strap around the handle. It is easily removable as well as easily put on-able.

I do not care for the fact that it is one of those mirrors where objects in mirror are closer than they appear. (I have a similar mirror at home where objects in mirror are older than they appear) I can't see a car coming until it's right behind me. I need a bit better warning than that. So I will keep searching.

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