Friday, June 5, 2009

Fluid Skies and Goals

The forecasters are calling for the possibility of rain today and everyone can thank ME for preventing it. I have prevented the showers by NOT riding my bike. Yup! I wussed out.

I was all set to ride too. I was to the point of rolling my bike out into the driveway. I stopped at my car to retrieve my sunglasses. That gave me the chance to stop and really survey the skies. I ended up decided to take the car.

Partly because of the skies, but also because I have a couple of errands. I could have put them off until after work, but if I get them accomplished at lunch, I will really put myself ahead of schedule after work, allowing for more goofing around time.

By the way, I have decided that if it does indeed rain today, that will not count against me in my riding goal. Goals must be fluid.

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