Saturday, January 28, 2012

Health of my Heart Update

You may have figured out by now that I'm not doing anything about my knee. I'll ride it out for a while longer and see what will happen.

What will happen is I will go five or six years without any problem and then it will lock up on me again and I will suffer until it fixes itself and then I will get another x-ray for hundreds of dollars and then ignore it.

Right now I am dealing with new heart issues. That is to say, I have new issues with my old heart...not issues with my new heart. I still have the same old decrepit heart I've had for nearly all my life.

I noticed after the first of the year that my stamina was waaaaaay down. I climb the stairs and have to catch my breath. Then I started feeling some symptoms of a blockage, pressure in my chest, numbness in my left arm, soreness in my jaw...but never at the same time.

As recently as the last couple of weeks, I started feeling an irregular heart beat. Sometimes it would really flutter around in there.

So I called my Cardiologist and described my symptoms to the nurse and they told me I have an appointment set for Feb 3rd. That was three weeks ago. Apparently, I didn't express the urgency of the symptoms I was feeling.

Mom has wanted me to switch Doctors for a while and the fact that they took three weeks to see me set her off again. I made a call to Spokane Cardiology last Tuesday, Jan. 24th. They said they could get me in the next day at 9:30.

An hour later, I got a call at work from my Cardiologist's office saying they could suddenly get me in the next day at 12:30.

Perhaps it was a mistake but I decided to stay with my Doctor. I like them and they know my history.

I told them what was going on as far as getting in to be seen. Dr. Byazrova, the Doctor who put in my Defibrillator, was embarrassed.

Anyway, they got me set up for a Nuclear Stress Test which showed I have no blockages but I do have a Premature Ventricular Contraction...better known in the Medical World of abbreviations as a P.V.C.

I'll find out more on Monday but this will probably be treated with drugs rather than surgery. So that's good news.

In the meantime, the flutters continue.

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