Wednesday, April 1, 2015


I weighed in at 215 this morning. So the blood donation helped.

The big news though is that I finally made my goal of beating the 17 minute mile. I did my mile walk around the park last evening in 16:19.5.

I was huffing and puffing and really kind of sore in the legs. I could feel the slightest little essence of a possible shin splint.

I was surprised I beat the goal by 40 seconds. Now I have to focus on breaking 16 minutes.

On Sunday, I noticed I had several bites on my thigh and chest. A few more have popped up on my other leg. Susan has not been bitten so I'm not sure where these are coming from. I haven't been wearing shorts outside so I don't think I'm getting bitten while working in the yard. Hell, I haven't worked in the yard all that much yet.

I'll be keeping an eye on this.

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