Monday, April 6, 2015

Self Entitled Doosh Rant

It's difficult to get out of Liberty Lake at the end of the work day.

If I am in the car at 4:29 to 4:31, I'm generally okay and get down the road (Appleway) pretty quick. If it is after 4:35, the line to turn right at the light onto the overpass can be really long. And when I say long, it takes about three to five minutes to get to the light. So, relatively speaking, it doesn't take terribly long.

However, it is the end of the day and everyone is in their NarcissisMobile, which means it's "ALLABOUTME" and nobody wants to wait.

One way to bypass the line is to cut through the Albertson's parking lot and get onto Liberty Lake Drive, where the line is shorter. You easily cut in line in front of everyone on Appleway without anyone realizing that you are cutting in line. I do it all the time.

Last night, I watched a Prius dart out a few cars behind me and head down Appleway in the lane that requires you to go straight at the light. This doosh drove all the way down to the light, passing at least 20 cars, and when the light turned green, picked its spot and turned wide right; effectively saying, "Screw you all! Let me in!!I'm much more important than you!!!"

I was incensed. I was road raging. I was amazed at the balls and temerity of this doosh bag. I had to see this guy and get a good look at what a DOOSH looks like. Especially a self entitled, Prius Driving, Watch Me Save the Earth FUCKtard Doosh.

I was able to keep up but the Prius driver really wanted to get home. I finally caught up and passed between Pines and Argonne and was surprised to discover that the afore mentioned FUCKtard looks just like a 20-something female woman.

I kept thinking about this person off and on through the night and kept trying to come up with different ways to shame her. She needs to be shamed. We get in our cars and everything is about us. It's Planet Stan and everyone is in my way!

It finally occurred to me on my drive in this morning to stop wasting time thinking about this Cretan. It does me no good other than to raise my blood pressure. I'm never going to change her!

Forgive her, Love her and stop thinking about her.

I'm much happier now

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