Sunday, September 13, 2015

Reunion Weekend

I have survived the weekend and am feeling close to almost 100 percent.

The reunion has come and gone and I think everyone had a great time.

I saw people I haven't seen in nearly 40 years.

I think there was a total of 17 of us that showed up over the course of the weekend. Not bad for a class of 27 with only one no longer with us.

We had a bunch of us together Friday night for the opening reception.

On Saturday, we went out to school and toured the grounds, had a barbeque and sat around and talked. A few of us even jumped in the river.

This morning, we met for coffee at the Rocket Bakery downtown.

Today was also the eighth running of SpokeFest, a community bicycle ride that Susan and I have done every year since it started. We were both feeling a little iffy so we opted for the one mile course around the park which makes us able to claim that we participated. Then we met everyone at the Rocket.

Now we are home and just taking things easy.

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