Friday, September 25, 2015

Dr O'Connor Fall Visit

I had a regularly scheduled Doctor's appointment this morning. Part of the appointment was to follow up on my Mesenteric Adenitis. It turns out he ran into four cases of it during that week. But I had it the worst! So I have that to boast about. Plus, I had a couple of issues to discuss. Number One: I had a lung evaluation a couple of months ago and I had not heard the results. Fortunately, Dr. O'Connor was able to access them. I have a moderate lung obstruction. I don't think that is the correct phrasing and I'll try to correct it when I get the written report.

Dr. O'Connor put me on an inhaler. He said to use it when I felt out of breath. I will get it, but I will use it sparingly. It seems to me that once you start something like an inhaler, you start the process of becoming attached to the inhaler.

He is also sending me in for a CT scan on my Lungs. It's supposed to take a good close look at my lung tissue in order to get a better idea of what's going on.

Mt second issue was gout related. I told him what was happening and part of it is due to poor food choices. I have a prescription for a drug called Colcrys, which helps to relieve Gout flare ups. I still have some and took it last week when I had the gout pain.

He has renewed that prescription for me. I seem to recall that it was a very expensive drug.

I find out soon!

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