Friday, November 27, 2015

To Breathe or Not to Breathe

I am writing today to report on the state of my respiratory health...which is very poor.

For the second time in a week, I was forced out of bed by the inability to get a breath. I take large gulping breaths, straining to get some air but it is not at all satisfying. This gasping for air lasts ten to fifteen minutes and then I get back to normal.

The problem is that even normal is not great for me right now.

I have been complaining for well over a year now about my breathing. It started as a small gasp when I'm talking. I would be suddenly unable to utter a word as I struggled for a breath.

Now I have no stamina, running out of breath when I climb the stairs. My doctor has prescribed an inhaler for me, which I have tried to use sparingly and does not appear to work during events like this morning.

I have an appointment with a Respiratory Specialist on Tuesday. I have already had a CT Scan of my lungs where somebody made a notation that it looks like I've been exposed to asbestos. I want to follow up on that.

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