Thursday, October 15, 2015

Bad Walking Man

Man...I am out of shape! I had better make a change RIGHT NOW!

I did the mile and a half walk today and did it in 28:48.9, which is comparable to past efforts. I now have access to a pedometer and I can report that it took about 3,200 steps.

I am pleased to have completed the walk but I can tell you I have work to do. I was noticeably winded when I walked into the office.

I left the office and walked east down Appleway to Molter Road. I am walking into the wind but it is not an issue at this point. I turned on Molter and headed, slightly uphill, toward Mission. 

As I approach the intersection of Molter and Mission, there is a young mother crossing the opposite side of the street and pushing a stroller. We reach the corner evenly and are heading west down Mission, so I'm going to use her to pace myself. 

Oh no I'm not!

I did an okay job of keeping even with her but she definitely moved ahead by the time we got to Signal Avenue, where I turned to the north.

When I got to the next corner and turned east for my last leg of the walk, I was again walking into the wind and this time, it was an issue. I was huffing and puffing much more than I would have expected.

I managed to burn 200 calories in the process. I really need to make a concerted effort to keep this up! Let's see if I do.

No wagering!

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