Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Bike Fest Training

Susan signed us up for Spokefest yesterday so we decided we had better get our biking bodies in some sort of shape. So we pulled out the bikes and did five laps around the park. 

I barely made it through three laps last time we went out. By the fourth lap, my ass was sore and my nether regions were numb. But we both soldiered on and made it. I did not time us but it seemed we were out there for about 20 minutes.

Physically speaking, the biking feels better than the walking. I have issues with both forms of exercise as it relates to my body, and I'm hoping I'll get better as I exercise more. I mean, that's the point, right?!

I'm not expressing myself very well here. I must be tired. Time for some coffee.

By the way, my efforts yesterday to try and eat sensibly and exercise paid off...somewhat. Today the scale said 206.2.

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