Friday, August 12, 2016

Weigh Deigh

Since getting out of the hospital, I have been weighing myself every day and taking my Blood Pressure. My weight has gotten as low as 102 pounds. My Blood Pressure and heart rate seem to be fairly level and normalish. 

I weighed myself this morning and got 206. Then I decided to weigh myself again and got 205.2. Now I had to weigh myself one more time to get an average. The third time I got 205.3, which is the number I decided to put down for today's weight.

I do not trust the scale we have. It's a new fangled digital one that I think we got a Bed, Bath and Scaletown. 

I would really like to get a nice old fashion medical scale with the sliding balance beam for the bathroom but Susan doesn't want that big old clunky thing in there. If  I could find one at a reasonable price, I'd probably have to settle for putting it in the basement, which means it would never get used.

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