Sunday, November 18, 2018

Stolen Phone

We had a big Thanksgiving feast at church today and then it was followed by receiving of supplies for the Meals on Wheels event we are doing on Thanksgiving Day. 

There was lots to be done and lots of people in the building. At one point, this low life homeless guy wandered in carrying a travel mug of coffee. People attended to him pretty quickly and it turned out he was looking for a bathroom. He was directed to the bathroom downstairs and then left.

Unfortunately, I had hung my suit coat in the hallway leading to the bathroom. I had my keys, wallet, camera and phone in the jacket.

After a while, I went to find my jacket and it wasn't hanging there. I thought I must have moved it. I walked into the bathroom and it was lying on the floor. 

Panic set in as I grabbed it. I felt around and found my wallet, (money intact) my keys and my camera. My phone was missing.

The scumbag managed to take the one item that did me the least damage. Don't get me wrong, it will be a pain in the ass to replace. However, I don't live and die by my phone and I think it will be nice to be without it for a while.

I only hope I am able to roll my minutes into a new phone. I just bought a phone card last week and it would suck to lose that.

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