Wednesday, November 14, 2018

Wednesday Off

Today was a day off for me. Normally it is Monday, but I had a Dentist appointment that was set up before I went on the four-10 schedule at work. So I moved it this week to today.

I've been fighting a battle with receding gums over the last few years and it appears I am starting to lose. I have a problem on tooth 28 on the back side. Three months ago, the gum line was at a 7. Today it was at a 9. That's bad.

They have referred me to an oral surgeon to determine the best course of action to save the tooth. I have an appointment on December 12th, another Wednesday. I'll have to move my day off on that week as well.

After the appointment, I went to the store to get supplies for breakfast. I fixed myself some nice scrambled eggs with cheese and minced ham. 

Afterwards, I got myself together and drove to church to prepare the Powerpoint presentation for Sundays' service. I also delivered some supplies for the "Meals on Wheels" event coming up next week.

Wow! thanksgiving is almost here.

I ran a few more errands, getting some paint for the sky walk decorating season.

Upon returning home, I broke out the lawn mower for one last adventure around the yard. more than grass, my objective was to mow up a shit load of leaves. Mission accomplished!

I worked in the Carriage House on Sunday to get it a little bit cleaned up and I'm pretty pleased with the results. That building is packed full of crap that I cannot bring myself to toss. And yet, it is now quite easy to move around and I have again recovered my work space...for the most part.

Another project I've been wanting to tackle is my closet. It's quite unruly. I really want to make it ruly again. So I went through the bins and took out all my summer shorts and moved them down to the basement. Then I threw away a crap load of useless papers and pulled a bunch of pants that are going to the Salvation Army.

It's better but still not completely ruly.

I even fit a nap in and watched the final episode of DareDevil, Season Three.

I love working four-10s.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...