Thursday, December 19, 2019

Back on the Bus

I'm really glad that I made a big effort to buy a new (to me) car only to be told not to drive. I hate having that freedom taken away. 

With that said, I have still been driving but only short errands around town. I'm not going on the freeway until this is fleshed out.

I've been riding the bus to work in the morning and then bumming a ride home with a guy who works at Screen Tek and lives near me.

We got some snow this morning, looked like a couple of inches. The forecast says it's going to turn to rain by this evening and wash away in a day. So I did not get up early and do any snow blowing. I hate walking away from a good blow but considering the recent events with my heart rate, it's probably for the best.

This morning, the bus was very slow...due to the snowy conditions. I'm sure they were all running behind schedule. My bus wasn't waiting for me when Susan drove me up but it showed up after a couple of minutes. I usually punch in around 7:20 but today it was 7:38 when I got to the clock.

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