Wednesday, February 26, 2020

Start of Diet-232.1

I weighed in this morning at 232 pounds, which seems appropriate since yesterday was Fat Tuesday. Now that it is Ash Wednesday, it's time to buckle down and lose some weight.

I'm going to follow the South Beach diet that we have followed before in the sense that I am giving up beer for Lent, and alcohol for the next two weeks. 

I am also following a diet based on eating No Sugar and No Grain. (NSNG) So there is going to be a lot of meat in my diet. Protein baby! Bacon and Eggs!!

The difficult part is weaning myself off sweets. I love cookies, candy, chocolate, bags of sugar, brownies, cakes and pies. The question is; can I muster the self discipline to abstain from the sweets. I believe I can but it is going to be tough...especially over the next week or two. I think that once I have detoxified my system of the sweet stuff, I'll stop craving it like I do.

So stay tuned to this Blog as I'm really going to keep track of how I'm failing.

That's not very positive.

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