Thursday, February 11, 2021

Ice Plunge Cheat & Heart Issues

I kind of cheated on the Ice Shower Plunge this morning, which I have been doing every morning since the start of the month. I ran the hot water in the sink until it was hot.

Having primed the pipes did not take away the bracing shock of getting hit with cold water when I turned on the faucet. It was just as cold as any other morning and the energizing feeling of standing in the cold onslaught was not diminished. 

It only took about 20 seconds for the water to start turning warm, which is much better than the nearly two minutes it takes normally.

This is Day Four of my vacation week and I have no definite plans or projects for today. I think I will break out the shop vac and work on the floor in the Carriage House. It's way past dirty.

Yesterday, I got a call from Nurse John at Dr. Byazrova's office. Apparently, I had an event on Tuesday night at about 10:30. My heart raced up and my defibrillator paced it back to a normal heart rate.

I have been feeling some dizzy spells the last few days. Pretty substantial dizzy spells that make me feel like I'm close to passing out. The first one I remember was Sunday morning when I was helping Mom with her TV.

I had another good one on Tuesday when I was skiing. I had walked up the hill from the parking lot to the lodge. That in itself is a major effort for me. I walked in and immediately sat down at an empty table to let the dizzy spell pass.

I had one yesterday at about 10:48 when I was walking into Home Depot. 

Fortunately, none of these spells has resulted in my passing out or my defibrillator going off on me.

But it feels like it's only a matter of time.

I'm going to start my day with a nice omelette. I'm trying to learn how to flip it properly and I am not having a lot of luck.

5:12PM: I have made it through the day and it's time to wind things down. I got a little accomplished in the Carriage House. I sort of vacuumed. It was needed. I'm a long way from finished. Even the parts of the floor I vacuumed need to be vacuumed again.

I also went over to Mom's to pay her bills, took an extremely cold walk around the park, and had a nice rare steak for lunch.

The Carriage House is becoming more and more welcoming.

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