Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Bad Workout

I got on the treadmill and after a brief warm up walk, took it up to 6 mph and began my run. I was able to maintain that speed for only 2 minutes. I was dying! I slowed down to five mph and even that was difficult.

I didn't even look at how long it took me to get to a mile. It was just an all round bad workout. I am able to be philosophical about the whole thing though.

You can't have good workouts if you don't have bad ones.

Monday, September 24, 2007


Monday is Weigh-In Day here at Adventures in Phatness. It was not a good day. I somehow managed to gain over two pounds this week, even with all the exercise. I can only assume that I am building muscle mass and that accounts for the extra weight. Also, I'm the Queen of France!

I had trouble getting out of bed again this morning but I managed to make it to the Club and spend 20 minutes on the Cross Country Trainer. I'll get a good workout tonight when I go home and hang some drywall on a bathroom ceiling.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Small Achievable Goals

I woke up today to a beautiful Sunday Autumn morning. It seemed appropriate to get a little workout in. I was able to talk my wife into joining me for the run. Normally, she doesn't run on Sunday. It is her day of rest. But she grudgingly agreed that she needed to get out and "git r dun!"

She runs much faster than I so to say she joined me is not correct. It is more like I looked at her butt as we ran and watched it get smaller and smaller as I continued to slow.

We only ran a mile and I was again determined to beat my previous time...and I did! I made the mile in 10:51, knocking 8 seconds off my best time. It's no milestone but it is a progression of achievable goals towards my final end goal of not being dead...before my time.

Friday, September 21, 2007

One Complete Week of Workouts.

I ran after I arrived home last night and I did go more than a mile. Not much more. Maybe a quarter mile. I kept a pretty slow pace. My mile was about 12 minutes which puts me at 5 mph. My total run time was 14:53. I want to build up my strength so that when I go for a run, I can do 20 minutes easily. I'm not quite there yet.

I will run again tonight and that will be 5 consecutive days of exercise. I think this blog can take part of the credit for that. I have been reluctant to let a day go by without being able to post some sort of workout news here.

Just a warning though. I doubt I'll have any workout news for Saturday or Sunday. I'll probably take those days off.

Later that day: I am happy to report that this Blog is indeed serving its purpose. I came home tonight and didn't really want to run because I had stopped after work and had a beer. But, I made the promise to myself to get in a workout and the prospect of having to report here that I didn't was enough to make me run.

And a good run it was. I decided to go for time rather than distance. I ran my mile in 10:59. That made me very happy to see I was able to push myself enough to break the eleven minute mark. My next goal will be to get to the 10 minute mark. That's a pace of 6 mph and a difficult milestone for me to reach. I can build up the endurance to go for distance but I have never been good at combining speed with distance.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Why I'm Fat!

I did not get out of bed and go workout this morning. Instead, I got up and stopped and had pancakes on my way to work. This means I will be running tonight when I get home. Unless I am able to come up with some reason not to.

And that is why I am, and probably will continue to be, fat!

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder

I slept too late today to make it down to the Club for a workout, just a shower. I'll have to run tonight when I get home. I had an Obsessive Compulsive Disorder episode when I was getting dressed. I put all the combination locks in my row of lockers on "zero". No reason! Just weird!!

I had an urge just a while ago to go to the bathroom. There was a major BM coming on. While walking to the bathroom, I suddenly coughed and the force of the cough was enough to load my underwear. I had to remove my shoes, my pants, my undies. I had to wash out my underwear in the sink. How Gross! I sure am glad I'm anonymous!

UPDATE: It is later in the day and I have completed my run. I ran a mile in 11:12 and that is an actual mile as opposed to a treadmill mile. That's a good pace for me...one which I hope to improve. I also want to increase my distance. I was planning on running further tonight. I was hoping to go two miles but I was still dealing with sphincter issues that kept me from making my goal.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Workout Day Two

I had trouble getting out of bed this morning but I finally escaped the gravity well and made it to the Club. I set the treadmill at 6mph and maintained that speed for five minutes. Then I slowed down to 5 mph and kept running at that speed until I reached a mile.

I also did a little lifting. I'll be doing more of that in weeks to come.

Monday, September 17, 2007


The scale at the gym says 215 and a quarter so that's where we shall begin. I'm fat and I want to be not fat. I will actually settle for less fat. Fifteen pounds less fat would be good.

I have been going to the gym regularly for the last few weeks but only because my bathroom is being remodeled. I go down to use the showers. Today, I actually put on the work out togs and worked out. I did 20 minutes on the Cross Country Ski Trainer and I ran on the treadmill for a bit. I ran for three minutes at 6mph. That's good for me and that's the one to watch. I want to build up that time.