Tuesday, July 5, 2011

This Side of the Dirt Still

It is just after the Fourth of July. To be accurate, it is the Fifth of July, which according to my calculator is just after the Fourth of July. I believe I have now properly hammered this point.

I continue to enjoy life on this side of the dirt. My back stiffness/pains that I had have seemed to have gone away as mysteriously as they came upon me.

I have no idea what's going on other than it is a wake up call to get my ass in better condition. I have been walking but I need to do more. I was very active over the three day weekend just past (remember the Fourth talk at the top) and exercised quite a bit. I paddled a canoe, I hefted a canoe in order to go paddling, I walked and I rode my bike. I feel pretty good after all that and it reminds me to keep the activity going.

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