Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Aches, Pains and Complaing About It

I'm not one to complain.

That's why this Blog is so good for me. I can complain here and if you don't want to read it, you don't have to.

Actually, I'm not complaining as much as I am chronicling. I want to write down notes about my little aches and pains so I can reference it in the future when it turns into cancer. I'll be able to say, "This is where it started!"

At some point yesterday, I think it was first thing in the morning, I noticed a slight pain in my left knee. I know it wasn't there when we were walking on Sunday, but perhaps the walking aggravated it.

I was okay throughout the day but I knew it was still there.

When I went to bed last night, it was slightly sharper than it had been.

Sometime during the night, it became a very sharp pain and the only comfortable position to sleep in was on my stomach with my leg extended.

It really hurt this morning. I had to take the stairs one at a time and cursed having a two story house. Once, I was up and moving around, the sharpness of the pain subsided but I still feel it.

I have not banged or bumped anything. There is no swelling or discoloration. Perhaps I'm getting arthritis. Perhaps I'm just getting old. I'm betting it's cancer!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The good news is that in all the chronicles of medicine, no case can be found of knee cancer being fatal. Knees can be a bitch as we age. I know mine are. Especially my right one. I'm definitely considering having it scoped. How about doing less walking and more bicycling and swimming? A little balance in your exercise regime would be a good thing.