Tuesday, April 28, 2015

The Ballad of the Bladder

I have discussed this before so I apologize for the repetition.

I am taking a diuretic because I am retaining water and it likes to hang out around my heart. So, in the morning, I take two tablets and a potassium pill.

Each day, the first couple of hours at work are spent trying to accomplish something in between visit to the bathroom.

I had the opportunity today during one of my visits to write a little haiku.

The pills make me pee.
It seems to be all I do.
Please just shoot me now!

Sometimes during my visits, it becomes clear that I must sit down. So I stop what I'm doing and sit, and my body says, "Just kidding! No need to sit."

Then I stand up and my body says, "Not so fast, Cowboy!"

Really, just shoot me now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

For new ideas, please write Julia at sensiblehealth.com She knows a lot. It may take her (or her knowledgeable assistant) a while to get back to you if they're busy, but they will get back to you.
ps Pls keep your bullet proof underwear on.