Tuesday, December 29, 2015

Bone Chip Compression

It has now been two weeks since my knee went bad. The surgery is scheduled for January 21st, so by the time I get this bone chip removed, I will have been hobbled for over a month.

The funny thing is that my left knee is not bothering me all that badly. I still walk with a limp but it's pretty slight...getting slighter every day. It bothers me most at night when I lie on my back and try to straighten my leg. I wonder if I'm compressing the bone chip the more I walk on it. 

I have a north side Doctor's appointment tomorrow morning with Dr. O'Connor, my G.P. After that, I have to run downtown to N.W. Orthopedics for an E.K.G. I think I'm building up a crap load more medical fees.

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