Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Knee - Day Three

We awoke to snow this morning. Just a couple of inches. It's wet and it's heavy and I expect it to be melted away soon.

The knee issue continues! It's very close to straightening out completely, but there is that last little bit that becomes very painful when I try to go all the way. 

Because I'm walking on it weird and using different muscles, I have a sore calf. 

I have done some research and found that I saw the Orthopedist, Dr. Michael Kody, four years ago. You can refer to posts from November of 2011 and see the x-ray of my knee.

I'm calling the doctor today because it is time to get this fixed. This has never held on this long. It is time to remove this annoying little bone fragment.

I should have had the surgery done four years ago. Then it would be a distant memory and most likely paid off by now. 

I remember the main reason I didn't do it then because we were going to Iowa for Christmas and I didn't want to be struggling around on crutches.

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