Wednesday, January 27, 2016


I was not as wiped out last night when I got home. I actually felt pretty good.

Our bathroom scale is not the greatest in the world, but I think it is accurate enough to be useful in gauging my day to day weight. I have been steadily losing weight for a couple of weeks...without trying. After four attempts to get a good measurement this morning, I settled on 202 pounds. 

That's very very good for me! Perhaps it's because I've reduced my intake of beer to nothing. Perhaps it's because I'm eating less. Or maybe I have a debilitating disease which is slowly ravaging me. I think it's the last one and the disease is called Aging.

I have noticed that I do not require the large portions of food I am used to. I've started ordering and dishing out smaller portions of whatever I happen to be eating. I used to love an "Arby's Roast Beef Max and medium (3) Potato Cakes. Now I am perfectly happy to eat a regular Arby's and be done with it.

The Gout knee is still giving me trouble. I thought it was getting better yesterday but it is pretty inflamed today. Very sore. It does not seem as though the gout medication is working on it.

The good news is that I have an appointment with the knee doctor tomorrow. Perhaps I'll get some insight into the gout knee.

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