Tuesday, February 16, 2016

Round is a Shape

I'm still hanging at 205 and I'm doing better at following the diet. Not great, but better.

I got home early enough today to go for a walk around the park before it got too dark. The days are getting longer.

I walked the long route around the park which is a mile. It took me 20 minutes and I think I took about 1,200 steps, according to my pedometer. I have it set to reach a goal of 10,000 steps a day. So far, I have never even come close.

I made it through the walk okay but I am definitely out of shape. Waaaaaaaaay out of shape. I can tell that two miles would be pushing it for me. It's not anything to do with joints or knees or anything physical, other than my lack of stamina. We'll be working on building that.

As the weather gets better, so will my walking.

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