Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Wednesday Afternoon Walk

I have just returned from my afternoon walk around the park and my time was 19:10 and it took 2,146 steps. I call the distance a mile and it's pretty close.

I'm home early today because I left work early to attend a funeral. I'm bummed about this death because I had recently talked to a couple of people who agreed we should arrange a lunch in honor of this person who has left us.

His name was Bill Watson and he was my 5th Grade teacher at Hutton Elementary. He was 79 and I think he had Leukemia.

He was one of those teachers who stuck with you over the years and made a real impression on me. I used to go back and visit him in his class and he would always prop me up in front of the class, bring out an old grade book and proceed to read off my horrible grades.

There were a good two hundred people at the service and many of them were former students. I managed to run into classmate Todd Browning, whom I haven't seen in a fortnight or more.

I'm upset with myself for not setting up a lunch when we had the chance.

I'll try to take that to heart the next time I have a similar inkling and make sure I follow through.

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