Wednesday, May 23, 2018

Ride to Work Day Fi5e

Prior to riding the bike to work today, I ambled out to my car to retrieve some film I had picked up for work. As I rounded the car, I was greeted by a stunned skunk. I surprised her and she assumed her attack position. I was in no mood to be squirted so I calmly backed off. She decided I was not a huge threat and resumed foraging.

When I pulled the bike out on to the driveway, I was very careful to not surprise her, wherever she may have been.

The ride downtown was uneventful and I made the bus with minutes to spare. It is very nice to have the time in the morning to read the paper, although I have to learn how to read a jiggling surface. It's slow going.

Yesterdays' return ride was very slow going. There was an accident of the Sprague S curve that back up traffic all the way to Pines. The driver announced he was taking an alternative route, basically heading into town on Trent Avenue.

That meant I was on the bus for an extra half hour. That was not a disaster because I had the newspaper to read. However there was a garrulous passenger who felt he was quite hilarious and kept going with a string of unfunny riddles. What did the hat say to the tie? You hang out here and I'll go on a head. Why don't bananas get lonely? Because they come in a bunch. Augh! Shoot me now!

Editors Note: The weather turned to crap by quitting time which was completely unforecasted. Rather than ride home in the rain, I rode home with Andrew. I'll get the bike later in the week.

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