Friday, April 3, 2020

Flattened Out at 218

The "Stay Home" order has officially been extended to the first of May in Washington State. That is not surprising. The buses continue to be empty as I ride to work in the morning. Streets are pretty sparse of traffic. Toilet paper continues to be the hottest commodity on the market.

The biggest thing this has brought to light for me is how often I touch my face. I'm trying not to but it is hard.

I have been making regular use of my Netty Pot. Not every day but at least a couple times a week. The result of the Netty Pot are fabulous. I can breathe clearly and feel very unplugged. For about 15 minutes. By the time I'm getting dressed after my shower, I feel the sniffly nose again. Oh well, I think it's better to clear that crap out every now and then than to do nothing.

I even heard today that clearing your sinuses is really good for combating this virus. 

I have leveled out with my diet. It doesn't seem as I will loose much more weight. Easter is just over a week away and so I am really going to concentrate and eat correctly and sparsely.

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