Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Margie Arndt Pool Plunge

I rode my bike again today but cheated mostly. I rode over to Monroe and caught the bus downtown. Then I transferred over to Good Ol' Number 74 for the ride out to Liberty Lake.

The quarter mile from where the bus dropped me off was hard going because I was riding into the wind. I felt pretty spent when I got to work.

This will mark my fifth day of riding the bike this season.

I went out for a good ride at lunch so I did actually get some exercise. I'm going to try and ride home from downtown rather than take the Good Ol' Number 4 up Monroe.

Tonight is the annual Margie Arndt Pool Plunge over at my neighbors. We're doing it there because they have a pool. Also, we're doing it there because Marge would jump in the pool every year on her birthday. It's been about six years since she died but Tammy has wanted to keep the tradition going. 

Because of all the Covid stuff going around, I'm not sure who will be there or exactly how we'll do it. Maybe well spaced out and a couple of starts.

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