Monday, April 20, 2020

Fourth Bike Ride of the Year

I believe this is my fourth day riding my bike for this year. However, I'm not sure I can really count it. 

I hopped on the bike this morning and rode over to the bus stop next to the Mosey Inn on Monroe. It doesn't take more than 3 minutes to get there.I caught the bus there and rode it downtown where I transferred to my Liberty Lake bus. So, I didn't really ride all that much.

I did this because I am noticing my failing stamina. It's really getting bad. My legs begin to burn as soon as I start peddling. When I get to the top of my hill on the ride downtown, I am good and well out of breath. It takes me five minutes to recover when I get to the bus downtown.

I guess I should keep doing this as much as I can. It just doesn't feel like I'm seeing any improvement in my endurance. The next time I write, it could be from the gutter where I collapsed.

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