Tuesday, August 27, 2024

General Update

I had a nice walk this morning in the midst of a gentle rain. I walked out and the rain was falling and I decided to be a MAN and continue the walk. I did the mile in 23 minutes, which is about what it usually is. I have a goal of breaking the 20 minute mark.

I got myself an Oxymeter, which reads my oxygen level. I use it on my walks. I have also been using the portable oxygen generator. 

The first part of my walk seems to go well and I feel like I'm walking at a pretty good pace. On the second half of the walk, the oxymeter vibrates... A LOT! When my oxygen level drops below 90%, that's when the vibrating starts.

I am continuing to have issues with the spider bite on my left wrist. I think I'm on the road to recovery. I went to seek medical care for it last Saturday. They gave me some antibiotics to take for five days and a cream to lather over the wound.

I can already tell it's improving.

The Doctor there gave me a really good tip. I have been using this gauze wrap that you buy at the drug store. He told me to go to Big R and go to the animal supply area. They have the same stuff but it's much cheaper.

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