Sunday, August 11, 2024

Update: Oxygen Man

Susan and I have been cruising along this Summer, dealing with the heat, the house projects, my PICC line and changing the Milrinone bag every two days. Plus we are dealing with a cat who requires an IV bag boost every three days, andthere have been lots of Doctor appointments where they check  the PICC line and my general health. They are still evaluating me has a heart transplant qualified kind of guy. I'm not on the list yet but we are hoping for a decision, one way of the other, by the end of the month.

Last Thursday I met with Dr. Fatima Ajaz, who is a Pulmanary Specialist. She was not happy with my oxygen levels and wants me on an oxygen generator when I walk.

I have another appointment with her office on Tuesday and I am going to have one of those torturous breathing tests, and figure out more about the oxygen generator.

A guy showed up on Friday and dropped off this huge oxygen generator for around the house, a portable oxygen generator for when I go walking, and a large emergency backup tank of oxygen for when the world explodes and I need to breathe.

At this point, I am skeptical about how badly I need this apparatus. I generally feel okay or at least, not any worse than I've felt for the past few months.

On Friday, before I had the appointment with Dr. Ajaz, I took a test ride on my neighbors e-bike. Lou got this bike a few months ago. He hasn't ridden it a lot and had an issue with the battery shortly after getting it. 

Anyway, I have been researching e-bikes and he let me take his for a spin. I ended up going on a four mile trip down to the river and back. It was very enjoyable and I really like his bike...right up until the time that the battery died.

This bike has those really fat tires and it's pretty heavy, so the ride home took a while and involved many stops to catch my breath. 

That's why I am wondering how bad I need this oxygen boost. I pretty much wore myself out prior to the appointment. I hadn't really thought about the connection until now. 

I guess we'll wait and see how the breathing torture test goes.



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