Run Number One: I arrived at Mt. Spokane a little after 9AM. I struggled my way up the hill to put my skis on and made my way to the beginner chairlift. On my way up the hill, I realized that the chair to the top was not operating so I had to ski down to the intermediate chair.
When I finally began my run, I knew I was in trouble. I was wearing sunglasses that offered no protection from the wind. As I skied, my eyes watered to the point of not being able to see. I skied down to the car and got my goggles.
Run Number Two: This was much better. Goggles are a good thing. I had a good run down the Northwest Passage trail and skied over to the Number One Chair. I ended up spending most of the day on that chairlift.
Run Number Three: My favorite run on Mt Spokane is the B-29. It is not a particularly fabulous run but for some reason, it holds great nostalgic importance. I'm not sure why. This is my "Go to" run when it is fabulous spring skiing. It is located all the over on the southern border of the ski area. It is on the side of the mountain you can see from town. The top of the run is not groomed and on this day was pretty nice. A little choppy, a little wind blown but very ski able.
I enjoyed the run immensely. I also had a nice ride on the chairlift with I guy who turned out to be a former boss. His name is Andy and he was in charge of the Sporting Goods department of the old Crescent Department Store. I worked there about 28 years ago for about two years. We had a nice visit.
Run Number Four: That first run was so good I had to do it again. This time I pulled out the camera and took a video. It wasn't very good. I got too much ski and not enough slope. The run was good though.
Run Number Five: I went for variety and took a run over to the number two face. This is a run I normally avoid because it is awfully bumpy. I was never very good at bumps and at 51, my goodness is even less. They had groomed one side of the hill and left the bumps on the other side so I was able to ski it quite nicely. Since the Number Two chair was not operating, I didn't have to worry about looking ridiculous. Well, I didn't have to worry about people seeing me look ridiculous.
It took a trail called the Lost 200 back over to the Number One chair.
Run Number Six: Back to the B-29 and a better video.
Run Number Se7en: This time I opted for the Number One Face. It was a good safe run on a nicely groomed steep hill. By the way, I can ski okay but I have no endurance. I think I stopped four times on this run.
Run Number Eight: Back to the B-29 and another video session. this time I videoed the cat track at the bottom of the B-29.
Run Number Nine: There is a run between the B-29 and the Number One Face called the Hourglass. It's pretty similar to the B-29 in that the top is choppy and un-groomed and the bottom half is groomed and a lot of fun.
Run Number Ten: By now it is after noon and my legs are urging me to wrap it up. However, my mind is having a great day and I'm not quite ready to quit. I decided to take one last trip down the B.
From there, I skied to the Northwest Passage and skied all the way down to Chair Number Three for one last run.
Run Number Twelve: At the top of Three, there is a terrain Park for all the thrashers to enjoy. Just below the Terrain Park, there is a run called Swede's Folly. I have always called it "Sven's Good Fun". It is a very short groomed steep run with an excellent fall line. I really can boogie down the hill and then stop and catch my breath.
From there is was a Cat Track to the parking lot and I was outta there by 1:30.
With 12 runs in the bag, my day cost me about $3.60 a run. Plus Gas.
And I felt every penney of it!
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