Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Relentless Lent

Today is Ash Wednesday and the start of Lent. I am planning to adjust my lifestyle over the next 40 days to best facilitate Weight Loss. My goal is ten pounds. I weighed in this morning at 223.5.

To that end, I have forsaken my morning Quad Mocha. There will be no cream cheese on my bagel and if my toe cooporates, I'll be visiting the Club after work.

My big Numb Toe on my left foot is kind of throbbing right now. I think I'm having an episode of Gout. It's very tender to the touch and eminating a constant dull pain that makes me limp slightly. I plan to drink a lot of water today and see what that does. Also, no Filet Mignon. Not that I was anticipating that, but Gout is known as the Rich Man's disease. It comes from a build up of Uric Acid in your bloodstream. The Uric Acid comes from too much rich food. I can't think of anything specifically rich I've eaten lately but it could be cumulative. You know, Quad Mocha's, wine, cheese soup last night...that sort of thing.

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