Wednesday, February 4, 2009

One Mile 13:08

It has been nearly three months since I have logged in here and made a post. So long in fact, that I have forgotten how to get to this site. Thankfully, I still remember my user name and password, "Fat motherfucker" and "heart failure".

I am writing again because I have successfully completed two fitness objectives. One: I bought a new pair of running shoes. Two: I ran a mile. Winter is waining and I can start getting out and run again. Soon, I will bike and walk and pole vault.

In the meantime, it is great to be back trying to be fit.

The run felt surprisingly good. I had no expectation of making a full mile my first time out. It was surprisingly pain free and I think I could have gone for two if I had been motivated enough to make that commitment. But hey, it's me! Let's get real, here.

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