Tuesday, February 24, 2009

The Power of Pain

It's been raining for the past couple of days and such was the case last night when I ventured out for my run. I made it down to the end of the park, and then, just gave up and stopped. I wasn't in great pain or short of breath. I turned around to walk the half mile home and then I got really mad at myself. I forced myself to continue.

What makes me angry now is that my time for the mile was 13:05. I wasted a good ten seconds with my indecisive wimpiness. That would have been my best time yet this season.

I'm glad I finished but I have to be more intense about my workouts. Especially now that Lent is starting and my Lental Commitment is to lose ten pounds. I've left it open so that I'm not giving up anything specific but I have to regulate what I eat, drink and do. Hopefully, God will approve.

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