Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A Good Showing

The rain has been coming down steadily for the last couple of days which gave me an excuse yesterday not to run. I had no such excuse today and upon arriving home, I went out to pound the streets.

My run always starts out strong but crumbles after that first block. My muscles and joints ache and want nothing to do with this activity. But my mind makes me push on and sometimes it wins. Today was such a day.

I was really struggling through the first half mile. My breathing was labored, everything hurt and I was not feeling terribly positive about my endurance. But then my body fell into a rhythm shortly after turning the half mile mark and I knew I would make the whole mile. It was actually very zen like. Everything came together and I knew I could go the distance, even more if I had wanted, and I knew I didn't.

I made my best time to date this season with 12:42. The worst part of the run is afterwards. It seems I cough and sputter and spew for quite some time. But it feels good to have done the run and to have done it well...relatively speaking.

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