Tuesday, June 14, 2011

The Feeble Decreptitude of a Whiney Complainer

I'm not one to complain. Ask anyone!

I have been wanting to get in here and write for a week about the failing state of my body.

I woke up two Fridays ago to a sudden dull pain in my back. It's on my left back side just above my butt. I was taking the day off to clean the garage and I didn't need the inconvenience of back pain to add to the mix.

I got up and sat in the hot tub for awhile, but that didn't really help. I found that it kind of faded and went away and occasionally returned as I went through the day and nothing I did was going to make a difference.

The pain is still with me a week and a half later. I've been hitting the ibuprofen but can't say that does much. I'm going to do my best not to complain about it. That's what I have this Blog for. My own private OUT LOUD complaining.

Susan and I were working on getting the house cleaned up in preparation for the upcoming Solstice Party on Saturday. She was vacuuming and I was finishing projects. I was up and down the stairs all night and it didn't help that I had a sudden soarness in my right knee. It made tackling the stairs a little extra effort. By the end of the night, I was hobbling on it.

I'm better this morning but it's still sore.

These pains have come upon me with no particular help from me. I went to bed feeling fine on Thursday and woke up with the back pain on Friday. I haven't banged my knee into anything so I can only surmise I have some sort of knee cancer.

But I'm not going to complain.

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