Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dull and Annoying

So I slept but I spent a good portion of the night dealing with this pain in my leg.

It starts in almost the same place were my back pain has been and radiates down my butt and on down my leg. It is painful but in a dull, annoying way. It was really hard to drive to work this morning as it was most uncomfortable. I might describe it as dull and annoying.

I have one other thing to complain about but this is only to note it here and have a date for the noting of it.

A while back Robin Williams was on the David Letterman show and they were talking about their respective heart events. Dave asked if Robin noticed his emotional reactions had changed. They got talking about how much more emotional they were when watching something sad or really happy.

This caught my immediate attention because I hardly ever watch Letterman. Can't stay up that late. No, this caught my attention because I have noticed this in me. I can cry at the drop of a hat. And at stupid stuff. A Hallmark commercial, when they yell, "Bus driver, move that bus!", or anything designed to draw a faint hint of a tear. I'll go ballistic.

Okay, it's noted!

One more thing to note. The last couple of nights I have had a very difficult time trying to stay awake on the drive home. It really concerning. I'm wondering if I am developing Narcolepsy.

So far it has been controllable but is still a bit of a concern to me. I'll be watching this one.

Okay, that is noted too.

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