Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Learning from Cats

I figure it has now been a month with this back thing and it is finally starting to fade. Everyday seems different and everyday is unpredictable as to how much pain I am going to experience. Hell, it's unpredictable from one hour to the next.

I was working in the yard on Monday and I was up and down and bending over and not having any problems.

I am stiffest in the morning and I think I need to take a hint from the cats and get in the habit of a routine of morning stretching. I never see the cats just get up. They always incorporate a good long healthy stretch into their process. I am sure I am wound as tight as a rubber band on one of those balsa wood planes. Hey, whatever happened to those? Are they still around? I used to buy those by the bushel and fly them for endless minutes until it crashed and broke.

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