Friday, December 14, 2012

Right Knee, Wrong - Left Knee, Right

It's been a while since I've written here and I didn't want my regular readers* to think I had died.

I guess I should get things caught up in the state of my general well being as of right now. I'm still fat. I weighed in at 218.2 pounds this morning. It's really great to have that extra two tenths of a pound to add on and contend with.

What prompted me to write today was the realization that it had been about a year since my knee locked up on me. The date was November 9th. I casually recalled that fact last night to Susan as we sat in the hot tub.

My body knows best how to fuck with me and it subsequently made my knee ache all night long. It's not even the right's the right knee. My left knee is the right knee.

So anyway, I woke up around 3 this morning and my right knee, not the locking left knee, was aching like a son of a bitch. It was difficult to sleep.

I am mystified that I should mention my knee last night and then have it act up on me today. That's a major Murphy's Law coming to life. My knee is sore but I'm not limping or anything like that.

I just thought I should make a well as check in.

*Regular Readers = Nobody

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

A Bad Day on the Golf Course

For the first time in two years, I golfed yesterday. My golf buddies were the same as two years ago...and probably the two or three years before that, Rob and Mike. We have all known each other since kindergarten and probably before.

Mike works in Korea most of the year and makes it over to Spokane when he is in country to visit his Mom. So when he comes, he tries to organize a golf day for us.

We hit the Downriver Golf  Course just after noon, when the sun is at it's highest and hottest. I would love to show you pictures, but I left my camera at work. Dammit!

I found myself feeling a great deal of anxiety over this round of golf. I've never been a very good player and golf never had the allure for me that it has for so many others.

Anyway, I played okay. Not great! Certainly nothing to write home about. I had a few good shots and lots of shitty ones.

There was a forrest fire burning across the river and we were able to smell that.

It felt as though we had the whole course to ourselves. We never felt rushed to play and the pair ahead of us quickly disappeared into the foliage.

Afterwards, I went home and worked on my brick wall project.  (You can refer to this date over on I am feeling the consequences of the hard yard work I've been doing but I can only say that it has to be good for me. I'm getting some exercise and I feel good. Sore...but good!

Friday, August 10, 2012

Unmet Goals

I only rode the bike two days this week. Not even close to five days, is it?

Oh well, unmet goals gives you the opportunity to try try try again.

And I will. I haven't really laid out my week for next week yet, but I am planning on riding my bike as much as possible. Possibly all five days.


Wednesday, August 8, 2012

No Bike Ride for You!

Well, I blew it. I did not ride the bike today.

I drove. I could have avoided it had I gone to the grocery store last night. But I didn't and therefore I needed the car today.

Since I had the car, I made full use of it and went to the Home Depot to get more bricks for the wall we are building in the front yard.

In the end, I would have had to drive today anyway as we had a death in the family. See today's post over at

Tuesday, August 7, 2012

My Ride to Work Week

I missed riding my bike during the official "Bike to Work Week" back in May. It seems to my failing memory that it was a really crappy week for riding...especially if you don't have fenders.

I have been wanting to ride to work but have always run into issues that would prevent me. Sometimes the issue was as simple as I don't want to get out of bed yet.

So I have made a commitment to myself to ride every day this week and I am two for two so far. I got up a little laet this morning which made it a scramble for me to get ready, get on the bike and get downtown to catch the Liberty Lake bus. But I did it!

According to my unofficial notes, today is the twelfth time I have ridden this year. That is the most rides I have completed in a calendar year since I began keeping records all the way back in 2010.

Anyway, it is a bright hot sunny day...perfect for a lovely morning bicycle ride. I'm afraid the afternoon ride is not quite as lovely.

Yesterday afternoon was a touch on the warm side for the ride home. My backpack laden back was rather moist upon arriving at home. I expect the same situation for the ride home today.

Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Bike to Work Day 8

It's another bike day and I timed myself. It took me 8 minutes and 45 seconds to get downtown.

As I was riding down Wall street, I noticed a bicyclist over on Post. I was pacing him pretty well but I was at my limit for maintaining that speed.

He took off on me when we reached Indiana. Still, I was trying to make a good time on my initial pace setting run so I really tried to keep it going. I definitely needed my water when I got to the bus.

It was a lovely morning for a ride. It was a lovely evening for a ride home. I probably won't time myself again.

Thursday, June 7, 2012

The weather wasn't great over the past weekend but it was nice enough to be outside and be comfortable. It turned cold, wet and rainy on Monday and that is when my right knee started to ache. It is Thursday now and slightly warmer and drier, and my knee is feeling a little better. Not a lot, but enough for mw to get a little relief. It sucks to get old!

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Bike Day 5ive

I started off my ride this morning and it was not at all chilly. It was a great ride all the way downtown.

They have a public forum going on today and I'm going to go check it out on my way home. I want to offer my suggestion to have a card that I can just load up with $20.00 good towards rides. I'm going to stop at the Bus Shop first and make sure they don't already offer that. It is my impression that they do not offer such a card.

I rode around at lunch. I'm generally putting about 6 to 10 miles on the bike each day I ride.

I have also noticed that this is my fifth day riding this year. I have totally waxed my 2011 bike riding but have a few more days to match my 2010 record of nine riding days. It seems to me that over the length of a summer, I should be able to ride at least 30 times. I certainly feel capable of doing that this season.

Stayed tuned for results.

Monday, May 14, 2012

Bike Ride Day Number 4

It's my Fourth Day of riding my bike to work. It is a hot one out there! I think they are forecasting a high of 80 degrees today, which is about 20 degrees over normal for this time of year. I went out at lunch and rode around and it was definitely warmish. I just checked to weather on-line and it said 82 degrees.

Anyway, I ride a minimum of 6 miles when I ride to work and I'm expecting that will be my number today. I managed to ride three times last week.

I want to try and get a good number of consecutive days riding my bike. I think I have ridden a full week before but if I did, I've done it only once.

I will try for four days this week. I have to drive tomorrow because I have a meeting after work and I am not able to get there by bike in time for the meeting.

I just can't seem to arrange my life to ride my bike regularly and make driving the special occasion. Maybe I'm not trying hard enough or I'm just not that committed to it. I'll tell you one thing. Gas prices are approaching four bucks a gallon and that is effecting my lifestyle to the point where I'm becoming committed.

I think that is Barak's socialist plan.

This is not interesting for you as a reader, but frankly, I can't imagine you being drawn back to this blog for any reason. There is nothing here but my inane musings which I don't even find interesting.

What the hell is wrong with you?!

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Bike Season is Back!

I rode my bike to work today. I rode yesterday too. It looks like this is going to be a nice week as far as the weather goes so I'm going to try and make the most of it and get some riding in.

Also, the bus I ride out to Liberty Lake from downtown has changed its route. It is now a true Express. It leaves Liberty Lake and heads right downtown. No more stops in the Valley. It takes the Division Street Exit which offers more convenient options for me and it parks in a better spot at the Bus Plaza.

All in all, I am very pleased with the changes. It adds joy and excellence to my morning and afternoon bike rides. And as you may know, I support both joy and excellence.

Wednesday, April 25, 2012


I had a Doctor's appointment on Monday. Nothing but a follow up with my G.P. I felt fine and the visit went smoothly. We talked a little bit about diet and alcohol consumption. I'm to be limited to two (2) units of alcohol a day. That's two beers, or two glasses of wine or a beer and a wine or a wine and a beer or a cocktail and a...I think we all understand the meaning of two. Unfortunately, I am familiar with the meaning of three as well...a number I practice with much more often than two. It's something to work on.

I bring up the doctor visit and my feelings of well being because the next day, yesterday, Tuesday, I felt the onset of an outbreak of the dreaded gout. The rich man's disease. It wasn't bad yesterday and I bought some cherry juice and drank that but it didn't really do the job. In fact, I had a miserable night and have stayed home from work today.

I'm waiting for a call from the Doc now. Whether they are going to fit me in with an appointment or just call in a prescription is yet to be determined. I hope they come up with something because it really hurts to walk.

The gout is in my big toe on my left foot.

I'm going to go off now and try to make myself useful. We shall see how that works out.

Wednesday, April 4, 2012


I am maintaining the weight and not really following the diet anymore. Easter is Sunday and then beer is back in the program on a regular basis. Then the weight will be much harder to maintain.

The new thing I have started now is push ups. I do push ups in the morning and then just before bed. I've just started so don't expect an impressive number. In fact, I don't really want to say how many push ups I can do right now. Let's just say it's more than ten but not as many as 14.

Friday, March 23, 2012


So far, 207 pounds on March 9th is my lowest number. I have floated back up above 210 and am finding it difficult to get back down. Possibly because I am not following my diet regimen as strictly as I could and/or should.

One interesting thing I have discovered is that I can hold a pound and a half of urine. Maybe more!

The other interesting thing I have learned is that the scale weighs differently depending on where on the floor it is placed. It's never off by more than a pound but in these trying weight loss times...every pound counts.

Monday, March 12, 2012


It was not a good weekend for weight loss. Frankly, I don't know exactly where everything went south...or north, since the numbers went up.

I had a great workout on Satuday morning. I rode my bike down to the Y and I swam. The swimming was brutal since it's my first time back in the pool in quite a while. I managed to swim 13 lengths of the pool. A mile is 66 lengths.

I ended up riding about 6 miles that morning, but it did include a stop at Dolly's Cafe. But I was a good dieter there, having three eggs and wheat toast and coffee with Splenda.

I'm going to be very careful this week and really watch my food intake. And, I better be for gettin' some work outs in.

Friday, March 9, 2012


I tried an interesting experiment this morning. I got up and weighed myself, posting 208.7 pounds. Then I moved over the the toilet region of the bathroom and stood there for my morning pee. When I re-weighed myself, I was a pound and a half lighter. It makes me wonder how much I could lose after a nice, healthy B.M.

Thursday, March 8, 2012


Not bad! I only gained a half pound. I shall return to a being a good boy and following the South Beach specs. It looks like it's going to be a nice day so I'll schedule a nice walk at lunch time.

I should also point out that things seem to be okay with the heart. I no longer feel the flutters and the exercise is definitely showing results. My stamina is improving. I look forward to seeing how I'll do on our up coming ski day.

I need to mention the death of a friend. Jill Gotzian died on March First and I attended her funeral on Tuesday. She was a couple years younger than me and friends with my sisters growing up. Her sister Debbie was in my class.

The Gotzian Family has an M.S. gene running through their blood. Out of six kids, the oldest sibling Jim has it and Jill had it too. They are both confined to wheel chairs.

They don't know exactly what happened to Jill. Her brother Hap woke her up that morning and when his wife returned to help get her dressed, she was out on the floor. 911 was called and they revived her but she had been without oxygen too long.

Jill was a teacher at All Saints Catholic School for over 20 years. The funeral was at St. Aloysius Church which is a beautiful, ornate cathedral. The place was packed, well over 500 people and when the Priest asked Jill's present and former student to stand, nearly half the room stood up. Very impressive.

I'm noting this because it's tough when one of your contemporaries dies. It brings back the whole fragility of this mortal plain. Additionally, I saw a crap load of people at the funeral that I haven't seen in years. That's the up side of death. It brings people together.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012


I have successfully lost 10 pounds but it is about to all go south because I had beer tonight.

Today I hit the double nickles in the birthday world. That's as cryptic as I can get without saying I turned 55. Anyway, the two weeks of Phase One of the South Beach diet are behind me and I can return to alcohol consumption. I'm supposed to stick to wine and perhaps a light cocktail but avoid the beer. But Dammit, it's my birthday and I want a beer.

And man oh was good. I had a Kokanee at the Hub Tavern. I was joined by several pals and we had a nice time.

After two weeks of no beer, you have to savor the moment. The beer comes to the table in a frosty pint glass. You observe the foamy head as you take in the first malty aroma. You sip.....and hold the frothy bubbles in your mouth as they lightly explode with hoppy goodness. You swallow and your joy is complete as you experience a religous moment.

I really like beer.

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Finally, my weight loss has returned to the right direction. The losing direction. I have to keep on top of working out because that really contributes to the loss. Even if I just take a long walk, that makes a difference.

I am looking forward to having some wine here in a couple of days. That's been one of the hardest parts about this diet. No booze! It's a damn good thing I'm only an amateur alcoholic

Friday, March 2, 2012


I'm going in the wrong the direction. Must exercise...must workou....... will power

Thursday, March 1, 2012


I have flatlined at 212. Been here for two days now. My workouts have been pretty lame the last couple of days so that's what I'm blaming it on. I'll do better tomorrow.

I think I'm past the worst of the cravings. I'm still hungry a lot of the time but that just takes will power now.

I hope my will power is good enough to lose some more poundage.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012


It's the Lental Season again and I am using the precepts of the South Beach Diet program to lose weight during the Lental Season. I started last week at 218 so you can see it is working. I'm up a pound and a half today but I weighed myself after getting up early to shovel snow and then having some breakfast.

I shall endeavor to record my weights here as I have already forgotten how it has gone so far.

Susan and I have a week to go before we can get off Phase One, which means we will be able to drink alcohol again. We can drink wine but should stay away from beer. I think the only reason I'm losing any weight at all is because I'm not drinking beer.

My birthday is in a week though so that means beer and Whammy's from Dick's Drive-In.

Monday, January 30, 2012

New Years Resolution

I have not yet gotten around to making a resolution for the New Year because I generally hate them. You don't follow through and it's just a giant set up for failure.

Unless you set up it so that if you fail, you die!

I think that is what I am up against as far as my health and my present weight. I would like to weigh 200 pounds. I currently weigh 219.7 as of this morning.

I really need to change my attitude and start a regular workout regimen.

So my plan is to come in to work early in order to take a long lunch. I will run over to the Valley YMCA and work out for 45 minutes or so. I have a membership which I have used all of three times over the last year.

I will start this new regimen...tomorrow!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

Health of my Heart Update

You may have figured out by now that I'm not doing anything about my knee. I'll ride it out for a while longer and see what will happen.

What will happen is I will go five or six years without any problem and then it will lock up on me again and I will suffer until it fixes itself and then I will get another x-ray for hundreds of dollars and then ignore it.

Right now I am dealing with new heart issues. That is to say, I have new issues with my old heart...not issues with my new heart. I still have the same old decrepit heart I've had for nearly all my life.

I noticed after the first of the year that my stamina was waaaaaay down. I climb the stairs and have to catch my breath. Then I started feeling some symptoms of a blockage, pressure in my chest, numbness in my left arm, soreness in my jaw...but never at the same time.

As recently as the last couple of weeks, I started feeling an irregular heart beat. Sometimes it would really flutter around in there.

So I called my Cardiologist and described my symptoms to the nurse and they told me I have an appointment set for Feb 3rd. That was three weeks ago. Apparently, I didn't express the urgency of the symptoms I was feeling.

Mom has wanted me to switch Doctors for a while and the fact that they took three weeks to see me set her off again. I made a call to Spokane Cardiology last Tuesday, Jan. 24th. They said they could get me in the next day at 9:30.

An hour later, I got a call at work from my Cardiologist's office saying they could suddenly get me in the next day at 12:30.

Perhaps it was a mistake but I decided to stay with my Doctor. I like them and they know my history.

I told them what was going on as far as getting in to be seen. Dr. Byazrova, the Doctor who put in my Defibrillator, was embarrassed.

Anyway, they got me set up for a Nuclear Stress Test which showed I have no blockages but I do have a Premature Ventricular Contraction...better known in the Medical World of abbreviations as a P.V.C.

I'll find out more on Monday but this will probably be treated with drugs rather than surgery. So that's good news.

In the meantime, the flutters continue.