Friday, March 31, 2017

Final Ski Day 2017

I managed to get in one more day of skiing today.

I took the afternoon off and along with my co-worker Don, we went up to Mt Spokane and skied.

It looked like a beautiful day when I checked the webcams but the clouds had moved in by the time we got up there at 1:00PM.

Nonetheless, a bad day on the slopes is better than a good day at work.

We skied nine runs and pretty much covered the whole hill.

The back side was the best snow but the B-29 on the waaaay front side was very enjoyable as well.

Here is a picture that Don took. His camera has this cool panoramic feature that stitches several photos into one.
When they told us last run, Don and I hiked up to the Vista House at the very top of the mountain and drank a couple of beers he had brought along. I have not had a beer in several weeks and I was a little reluctant to have one. But I decided that two beers are not going to bring on the gout, and if they do, I really need to know that.

They tasted really great...especially that first sip. 

After the beers and the view, we made our last run on the B-29. I do not know why, but it is my favorite run on Mt. Spokane. It represents some distant, childhood fond memory that I cannot explain. I have always enjoyed the B-29. Perhaps it is a subconscious love of old war planes.

Now that I am home, it is time to hit the hot tub and try to soothe the aching muscles.

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