Tuesday, June 27, 2017

Hospital Summer Camp - Day 4

I had a very long night. This must be what it's like for Susan to sleep with me. 

My neighbor Tim can fall asleep in two seconds and the snoring is atrocious. He has sleep apnea so he will be very quiet for several seconds, followed by a gigantic snoring inhale at a very high level of sound. And that goes on all night. 

I'm sure I dozed but I do not feel like I got a lot of sleep. Certainly not a good nights' sleep.

The rumor for today is they are sending me home. They cannot arrange a lab to perform a procedure on me. Since I am stable and have not been shocked, they feel comfortable sending me home and having me come back at a later date.

All of that is conjecture at this point because I have not yet talked to Dr. Byazrova, who is holding all the cards. 

I am reminded that this is pretty much the exact script from last summer when I went home for three days and then came back to the E.R. in the middle of the night with a heart rate of 160.

Then I spent eight days here waiting for a procedure to be arranged.

It is now approaching 11:00AM and we still know nothing more.

Timothy continues in his natural state of sleeping all through the day while snoring as loud and as annoyingly as possible.

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