Friday, June 30, 2017

Back to Work?

I am writing from the comfort of the very chair where the last hideous week began from on unto. Yup! I'm back at work. 

I am going to have a very difficult month coming up because I cannot drive. By Doctor's orders, I am forbidden from driving until one month after the Ablation...which has not yet been scheduled.

The really difficult part will be to keep a civil tongue in my head while Susan chauffeurs me around. Let me say upfront that she is not a bad driver. She is in fact, a very good driver. But she is a very cautious drivers. Too cautious for my sensibilities.

As we were hurtling towards Liberty Lake in the 70 MPH zone at 60, I was screaming in my head to SPEED UP!

But I didn't. That is not my place. My place is in the Passenger Seat. SO SPEED THE HELL UP!

I stayed home yesterday simply because I was unsure of how I would do back in the world. I puttered around the house, did some light cleaning, a few little projects and I did okay. I'm ready to face the world of gainful employment.

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