Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Hospital Summer Camp - Day LAST

Just to make everything perfect for this visit before I get out of the hospital, I have been visited by my old friend Gout.

I felt the first twinge of pain in my knee around 8:00 last night when Susan was here. I almost said something for her to bring my steroid pills in the morning but decided against it because I am supposed to be released in the morning. I figured that would be enough time to get the pill and counteract the onset of gout. 

It is now 3:00AM...barely seven hours since I first felt its wrath, and it is in nearly full bloom.

My hope is to get out of here early and get to one of my pills.

In the meantime, I am battling the snores of my roommate, Timothy. He has had lots of respiratory treatments throughout the day and as night fell, it seemed like they might have helped. His snoring early in the evening was pretty mild. 

But he has blossomed into his full potential now and there is not much sleep going on in Bed 2 here in Room 655.

Timothy just walked past me on his way to the bathroom. He did not alert the nurse like he is supposed to and it sounds like he (or a horse) is peeing into the toilet rather than the plastic bottle they use to measure our output.

The other distressing thing is that he has already peed all over the floor by his bed and when he has gone into the bathroom, he is not terribly accurate.

Yup! I just went in there to check and someone needs to call housekeeping. I'm just glad I have already made use of the facilities.

So...Medically, the plan is to discharge me this morning. The earlier the better. Dr. Byazrova has decided I need an Ablation, which is what I have wanted as well.

So they will send me home stabilized with the addition of Amneoderone, the drug that stabilizes my PVC's. I can go back to work whilst we wait for a date. Dr. B said it would be within three weeks.

Okay, I'm either going to try and lay back down for a while or call up a movie on Netflix.

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